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Thai Amulet Blessing

Updated on March 18, 2019
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Understanding of Thai amulet and it has helped my family and I throughout my lifetime. Faith and belief is vital to help yourself in life.

Sacred Thai amulet

Is sacred Thai amulet classified as occult or supernatural magick? Does it comes with black magic or love spell talismans? Thai amulet charms were made by highly respectable Thai monks who spent their time making the moulds of creating their own trademark amulets after spending days of chanting mantras to bless each amulet. With chanting of these amulets, it will possess mystic power that helps the person who rents it. Some amulets are designed and consecrated to protect people from all sorts of danger. Most of the sacred amulets were created to raise fund for building temples and also for donations to charity.

What you can learn from the wisdom of Thai amulet's teaching is when you want to be successful you must begin to do something. Unlike those who just sit around and waiting for miracle to help. If you read the story about Lord Buddha, you will know that he went through everything. He had suffered from various tortures in life before he could be enlightened. Therefore, if you want to follow Lord Buddha’s way, start today and success will be waiting for you indeed down the road.

Some Thai Monks were known to possess supernatural powers and mastering magic sciences as many people seek such amulets made by them. Many stories about these amulets that had supernatural power are being circulated among Thai people. Some of these amulets saved many lives while others helped poor people to win lottery prizes. Fact is that there is always a huge number of fakes at Thai amulet market. The main reason of getting authentic amulet is the fact that it had been blessed by individual Thai monk with chanting. Only those genuine amulets come with such power to help you.

For me when I rent an amulet, I look for a good source and trust my six sense as the amulet will be drawn to me somehow. When you are the owner of the amulet, please do show your greatest respect and belief as it will help you when the right time comes.


Thai amulet Purpose

In the past, one can rent an amulet with donation or simply offering oil to the temple. When the temple received your donation, Thai monk will then present an amulet to you as a gift. Now in modern times, these amulets are not really considered as gift but instead a product of helping one to enhance their lucks in life. The purpose of these amulets are now being used for improving relationships, wealth, health, fortune and love.

So when a person talks about amulets, it will be from Thailand and meant to bless a person for wealth, health and good fortune. Those amulets that were made by famous monks like LP Kasem, LP Thuat, LP Pae, LP Tae, etc are now more costly and hard to source after since there will limited production. It is being empowered by the mantra chanting that will bless the owner who wears it around the neck as a pendant.

This will help to protect you against any harm or injury with the power of blessing that the amulet had blessed with the sacred power. At certain period of time, the amulet is popular to be worn as a good luck charm for believers. It has been said that people are wearing these amulets as pendants to protect themselves against accidents, obstacles, diseases as well as better health. It can be seen that the Thai amulets are made with the figurine images of Buddha or monks that are been worn around their necks. Many times we can hear people who worn them had experiences of overcoming obstacles in business or career as well as avoiding serious accidents or injuries. It has the power of repelling bad luck and evil spirits that may be surrounding the house or work place. It is known that Thai amulets are being rented to be for centuries and handed down in generations to people who believe in its power. A quick check with Thai residents, they adorn at least one amulet in their household to help them in terms of protection, health and good fortune.

Luang Phor Khan Amulet

Protection with Luang Phor Khan amulet
Protection with Luang Phor Khan amulet | Source

Source of amulet

You can now rent an amulet that comes with Buddha image or image of a famous monk otherwise an image of the monks who created the amulets. These amulets are being created different size, shape while using materials like plaster, bone, wood or metal. Some of these amulets may come with ashes from incense, old temple structures or even hair from a famous monk. These are to be add as protective power to the amulets. Once these amulets are completed, the monks will begin their chanting, prayers and blessing the amulets. Usually, it will be a week but can be more than 4 years and longer.

There are many sources of Thai amulets in the market but the ones that are sacred were blessed by famous Thai monks with many weeks to years of chanting mantras that gave its power of supernatural. This is the belief of many Thai people about the power of Buddha that they wear the amulets not only to seek happiness but includes warding off pain and sorrows. Many generations ago, the images of amulets were being carved on wooden or metal materials before chanting by Thai monks.

These amulets were being made of many different sources of ingredients like Din, Chin, Phong, Herb and many other ingredients. Up till today, it is popular with collectors who are willing to pay a higher price to rent amulets made by famous Thai monks who had passed away. Many people who had been down with bad luck, are the likely ones to rent amulets to help overcoming their obstacles by changing bad lucks into good fortune. It is the desire of having good intention when they rent the amulets that helped them to fulfill their wishes and desires but not the ill intention of using amulets.

Thai amulet - LP Kasem

Power Of Thai amulet

Many centuries ago, people had encountered or heard of strange happenings even up till today, many inhabitants in Thailand still believe in ghosts and had encountered such experiences as claims of sighting these encounters. From those ghost stories or movies that have many varieties of comical to gruesome, are popular among many people.

In view of this phenomenon, we can witness that it is not only restricted ti rural villages but also university students and people from all walks of life. These encounters are not restricted among the people of Thailand but as well as other parts of the world. This is particularly strong in Northern Thailand where people take it very seriously.

A simple visit to Thailand, you will likely to witness many Thai people are wearing amulets to protect themselves against evil spirits or dangers including black magic. You will also find around those Thai houses that have the Spirit Houses known as San Phra Phum. These Thai people believe these ghosts are needed to be feared as each poses a different threats to them. Like the saying goes, it is better to be safe than sorry as you will never know what can happen without the protection.

That is the main reason for Thai people to rent amulet and wearing them as good luck charms. These amulets are being used not only for protection against evil spirits but against other people who have evil intention. An example will be soldiers rent these amulets to increase their lucks and protect their lives. It was also said that monks had made amulets that were solely meant for soldiers to fights in battles for protection.

Luang Phor Thop

Blessing with Luang Phor Thop amulet
Blessing with Luang Phor Thop amulet | Source

Good Luck Charms

Thai amulets are easily available in Thailand or in the web as you can view them at my site shown in my profile bio in hubpage. Nowadays you can find these amulets worn by people right cross the globe where amulets changed their lives in business, career, love and family. They can be easily found in jewelry-artisan fairs, museums, shops and also at homes.

These amulets are prayed over by monks for a period of time spanning many days, so that it gains maximum power to fight evil in all its forms as well as giving blessing to the person who rent it. But finding those that were made by Thai monks will be not a simple task as there are many made by factory. The difference is that those made by famous monks had gone to prayer's ritual that give the power of the amulets that will bless those who rent them with purely good intention.

However, should you be buying those factory-made amulets on the street that are not being blessed by the Thai monks then these amulets do not come with the power unlike those made by the Thai monks that were being blessed by reciting the mantra for many days. Those amulets that are made in factories may look similar but it is never the same as it does not have any blessing. Only those amulet experts who have studied closely on amulets, will be able to tell from the 'real' amulet to the factory-made amulet. Of course you will find that there is a gap in prices between factory made and the 'real' amulet.

Thai amulets are not made in factory; they are made by Thai monks who use ashes of old and sacred handwritten books as part of their magical ingredients to make this good luck charm. You can also find hair of departed famous monk included in the amulet. A good quality gold leaf amulet can be purchased from respected temples at cost of 10,000 baht or more, (300-325 dollars). Despite rapid modernization, many people are still superstitious. In Bangkok the number is more as when compare to other place. People here spend more than 20 million baht (625,000 to 650,000 dollars) on the Amulets/Good Luck Charms as per newspaper reports.

Thai amulets, instilled with magical qualities that keep away bad spirits, are not only worn around the neck or in ring form but are also seen on dashboards and rear view mirrors of cars. Thai amulets are more famous in Southeast Asia. If you are looking for 'real' amulets, be sure to obtain from the right source in the internet like this site - selling only 'real' Thai amulet with guarantees of authentication.

If you are in need of help, you are most welcomed to make your request and see what sort of arrangement can be made to assist you. It will be a way to give back to society and helping a person in need is a blessing in life.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 Edward Han


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